Watch— and participate! as comedians develop projector and musical comedy sets in Kendall Square.

Amateur art is good for you!

A\V Comedy Club is Boston’s only open mic explicitly for acts with “stuff”— i.e. a stand-up comedy set that isn’t just telling jokes into a mic. Most of the sets performed at our mic use PowerPoint slides, although we sometimes have musicians and more, all trying out new things and experimenting with new ways to do the format.

You’re welcome to ask!

For whatever reason, comedy with “stuff” promotes questions from the audience. We’ve decided to lean into that- so after each set, we leave space for audience members— and other comics— to ask questions of the comic onstage. For many comedians, this is their first time performing their act, so these conversations can be incredibly enlightening.

Find out about other niche artists/creators/events!

We welcome audience members to submit to us any smaller show/art/cool hobby/etc to us and we send out a post-show email with details on what other things everyone does. Simply sign-up on our email list pre-show, and check-in with our host to confirm that you were at the program.

What if I want to sign up?

No problem! Simply DM the @avcomedyclub Instagram to sign up and they’ll get back to you with available dates.

Sound fun? Tickets are free, and can grabbed below.

Get in on the fun!

Subscribe to our email list to receive updates about A\V Comedy Club and other niche events around town!

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