We’re developing some new shows!

Constellation Comedy takes joy in creating programs that entertain and inspire, which means we are generally always trying something new. This page will have info on new show ideas that we have coming down the pipeline— and you are more than welcome to read more and sign-up if you would like to be in on a beta test for a given show.

Nerd Show

Inspired by Dropout TV, Critical Role, Jeopardy! and other successful nerd-esque franchises, Nerd Show is a live program that has comedians performing sets about whatever their most passionate about— while earning meaningless points for challenges given to them by the host, and occasionally, the audience.

Set Swap!

The “tight five”— a five minute set that best encapsulates a comedians’ style and work— is generally the first thing a comedian will master and is frequently what they will submit for participation in festivals, etc. Pairs of comedians perform each other’s “tight fives” in front of a panel of judges and a live audience. The most entertaining swap wins a cash prize— and the honor of judging the next round of Set Swap!

A\V Comedy Club:
Even More Live!

The show version of our A\V Comedy Club mic: a panel of three postdoc/grad students from local universities will cross-examine comedians on their presentations for an honorary and entirely bullshit degree from A\V University.

Interested in being part of the beta for one of these shows?

Fill out this Google form here!

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